The Call Up

Northern California Bicycle Racing Community

2010 Grasshopper Adventure Series #1 - Old Cazadero

Around 230 racers started from Occidental at 10:00 a.m. on January 30th for the first of this year's 6 eclectic Sonoma county "training rides". This usually marks the beginning of early season suffering, but this year it was about a month earlier in the season than usual. Having just begun my build period after not too much base, I anticipated PAIN. At least the weather was pleasant enough - wet on the ground, overcast but not raining.

Race bikes ran the gamut, from road bike to full suspension mountain bike, with CX and rigid mountain bikes in between. I once again chose to race my Gary Fisher Superfly 29er hardtail with a rigid fork and light, fast rolling tires. I ran a 28/42 double crank in the front, steel Niner rigid fork, and Bontrager XR1 tires front and rear tubeless at 26 PSI. The bike weighed about 19 lbs., due to some heavier early season parts (wheels, rotors, steel fork instead of carbon). Any bike is a compromise, as the terrain varies from muddy fire road descents to long flat stretches of pavement. I choose the XC specific training and descending confidence of a MTB.

The usual Sonoma County hardmen were present, as well as some out of towners. The World Cup level Pros didn't make it this year, but there was a guy in a Mellow Johnny's kit named Levi. I figured the men to mark would be Bartels and Timmel, who have both had very strong races on this course in the past.

This year we did a shortened neutral start and started stretching things out way before the first steepness. I tried not to waste too much energy on the road shenanigans, but was in a good position at mile 12 when we hit the real stuff. I think I was 3rd or 4th through the fire road gate. When things started to settle down, I found myself with 5 other guys. Timmel, Bartels, Bresneyan, Krishna, Levi and I kept a decent pace and slowly pulled away from the rest of the pack. I guess Levi wanted to go a little faster, so he pulled out of site before too long.

We rolled down the hill together and caught up with Levi, who had stopped to take a break, at about mile 17 and the start of the steep paved climb. A little into the climb, Levi turned it up a little and Bresneyan went with him. I was going pretty hard and allowed them to pull up the hill and eventually out of sight. Timmel, Bartels, Krishna and I stayed within sight of each other. Though I wasn't sure how Bresneyan would do out on the flats with Levi, I knew I didn't want to be out there by myself.

I turned it on a little and rode around the fence at the start of the fire road down to Austin Creek. I was able to stay a couple of turns ahead of the other 3 and made it to the creek just as Levi was coming out of the water on the far shore. No sign of Shane. Water was only about thigh high - cold, but refreshing too.

Levi pulled out of sight on the next fire road climb, and my 3 pursuers were within sight behind me. I blasted down the hill and then sat up to drink and eat, allowing Timmel, Krishna and Bartels to catch me so that we could work together over to Willow Creek and the final, long dirt climb home. We managed a workable echelon and kept a decent pace. As we crossed the bridge right before the left turn on Willow Creek Rd, we saw a group of 4-6 in hot pursuit behind us.

You've worked pretty hard to get to this point, especially if you are chasing hard. It is about mile 40 and you get some wet, sloppy fire road before the hammer drops on the Willow Creek climb. You can kind of fake it across the flats, but once the climbing starts it really shows who has got some gas left. These guys (Miguel, Kenny, Smallman, ?) caught us just as the real fun began.

Timmel, Bartels, and I were turning it on a little ways up the climb when Bartels washed out just in front of me. I tried to make his little slip-up count by keeping the pace up and it seemed to work. Now Timmel, Krishna, and I were getting away a little . Krishna and I pulled away from Timmel slowly about half way up. Nothing violent, just a growing gap that got us out of sight. We talked and rode together across the cattle guard and onto the pavement. We saw someone in the distance behind us (Todd?) and turned it on to get out of sight on the turns. A couple of half hearted sprints and we finished third and fourth behind Bresneyan and Levi.

Bresneyan really had a great day, turning himself inside out and bringing home the win. I hope this indicates a real return to top fitness for Shane, as he is a great guy to race with and against. I wasn't there at the end, but I assume Levi finished the race pretty fresh, graciously giving the day to his friend.

Krishna had a break-out race. He has definitely come into more and more fitness in the last year. I look forward to racing this season against Timmel, Bartels and Smallman. These guys will have their days.

Old Caz is a super race. This makes my fourth year doing it. Not sure whether I will make it to any of the other Grasshoppers due to schedule conflicts, but I hope to.

Great race and great group of racers.

Stats: 4,300 ft. of climbing, 47 miles, 17.3mph avg, 38.4mph max, Avg HR 154, Max HR 179, Third Place.

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