The Call Up

Northern California Bicycle Racing Community

This would be my 6th year racing the Sea Otter Classic cross country race.  I had signed up in November, as I tend to train more consistently if I have set a goal.  For various reasons, my training plan didn't really play out as expected and I came into the race not feeling real fit or rested. This is one race where base fitness is key, as it is 28 miles where big chunks of time can be gained or lost.  After a warm up that never really got me warm, I lined up with teammate Greg Alsterlind in a field of about 18 riders.  It was great to see injured teammate Mark Ingwersen at the start to send us off.  After the usual roll out along the race track we took a new way out to the dirt via the motor home camping areas.  There were lots of folks cheering us on over breakfast. ( I should have joined them)  I managed to stay with the group through this area, but once we hit a short dirt climb before a long descent the group made a push that I couldn't answer.  My legs were already screaming and we hadn't ridden a mile yet, not a good sign.  At this moment I realized I definitely did not warm up enough.  By the time I was making the sharp left off the first fire road I was pretty sure a couple guys were behind me and I could only see one rider ahead.  I got to a paved section where I have made up a lot of time in past years, but this year I could only watch the rider ahead pull out of sight.  From this point I rode alone until at the 30 minute mark Tinker Juarez from the 55-59 class blew by me.  Again riding alone,  I was having a hard time staying motivated and my low heart rate confirmed this.  A couple more 55-59 riders past me, then I finally got some company when our course temporarily merged with the CAT 2 course and I could chase some of the younger CAT 2s.  After many more miles riding solo, Den Satake from Mill Valley came up on me from the 55-59 group with about 7 miles to go.  We motivated each other up the last fire road climb, down Hurl Hill and up the last climb to the finish on the track. My time was 9 minutes slower than last year, ouch.  Maybe if I could have stayed in the mix at the beginning I wouldn't have mentally checked out for the middle half of the race.    I ended up 15th out of 17 finishers and 1 dnf.  At least next year I get to age up to the 55-59 group where I can be the "young" guy.

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