The Call Up

Northern California Bicycle Racing Community

Bad Little Brother 'The Summit Comet'

Two years ago, this was to be the longest ride that I'd ever attempted. Not knowing any better, I registered after seeing that the SRCC website listed the ride as a '5 C/D, 130 miles, w/ 15,000 in climbing'.

The route makes a counter-clockwise loop north out of Lake Sonoma onto HWY 128, up to Boontville, out to Point Arena, south along HWY 1 then back inland over Skaggs via Annapolis. This time, I knew a bit more about endurance riding and wouldn't start the ride four days after an emergency room visit requiring 13 stitches in my left forearm and a protruding tube for the dribbling yellow puss.

Billed as ideal Terrible Two training, this SRCC club ride would be another good testing ground for my long distance fitness level. I went out with a 20 or so riders at 8 AM. At least that many had gotten an earlier start around 7 AM. Three SAG vehicles would cruise the course, bumping ahead for water stops or falling back to assist stragglers.

On to HWY 128, heading west into a stiff headwind, the group thinned up the first climb. Pushing a fast pace line, Ken, Shane and I pulled ahead, over the top and across the rollers to the first SAG stop in Boontville. Not wanting to waste any time and keep up the momentum, I took off solo up Mountain View. 

Standing up, swaying to the i-pod tunes, I 'walked' my way up the steep pitches leading back out toward the coast. Unlike the blistering heat a couple of years ago, the overcast skies and cool wind was ideal for cycling. By this time, I was starting to overtake some of the riders that had gotten an earlier start. Feeling fresh, fueling consistently, I motored by each rider grinding up the wickedly steep climbs with a friendly 'good morning'.  Near the top, I caught up with my buddy Mark, pairing up with him for the long descent down toward the Point Arena 'lunch stop'.

At lunch we grouped up with the remaining early riders as the later riders rolled in behind. The SRCC SAGs had done it up right again; a full smorgasbord had been laid out for us to consume; cold sodas, chips, bananas, fruit, cookies, bars...too much to take in if one expected to get immediately back on the bike.

Gobbling down a handful of salty chips and icy cold Coke, a few of the SRCC riders were talking about my impressive speed. One guy said he saw a contrail as I passed by. Another said something about the 'Summit Comet' making an appearance. Funny.

Back on the bike, blown south down the coast by a strong NW wind, Mark and I pedaled at amazing speeds along the cliff edge next to the white-capped turquoise seas battering the rocks below. Good times!

Charging ahead over the deceptively steep and persistent bumps along Annalpolis, I caught and passed the remaining  three riders still out in front. Now ahead of the SAGS, I was on my own, over the final and most difficult climbs of the day over Skaggs. Also unlike two years ago, for this final push toward home, I had enough water and had taken in ample fuel throughout the day, knew what still lay ahead, the temps were not in the triple digits, and I was feeling fresh. 

In some warped way, I was actually enjoying the lonely suffering; one with the bike, mind and body; swaying to the tunes, marching up and over the relentlessly steep set of climbs, then ripping down the clean descents along the empty road back toward the start.

Up next: SoNoMas, then Terrible Two!

Views: 66

Comment by Paul Montgomery on June 5, 2012 at 10:03am

That's a day that will keep you coming back... Nice!


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