The Call Up

Northern California Bicycle Racing Community

Early in the week I learned that my grandmother had died and I made hasty plans to return to Georgia for the funeral.  I wasn't able to ride Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Instead of training I would have to settle for sitting on an airplane.  I arrived home Saturday night about midnight and questioned the wisdom of racing the next day.  I decided that it would be worth it for the race-pace training, as the first BASP race would be the next weekend.  I also knew that a few of the fast guys would not be there due to a UCI race in SoCal, so it seemed like a possible opportunity to gain some series points.

This week the series returned to  Manzanita Park.  The course was in a reverse direction with many of the same sections.  The climb was less sustained, but it still seemed like it would be a good place to apply some pressure.  The two barriers near the finish line were too close together to hop, but there was a barrier on a steep climb that I hopped many times succesfully in practice.

I noticed Andy Jacques Mayne and Justin Robinson were there - so much for "easy" points. I got a front row call-up, as I am 10th place in the series and there were only 3 of the top ten in attendance. Of course, the rest of the field moved right up with us and it didn't seem like much of an advantage.

Once again, I had a weak start.  I was definitely in the back half as we started the climb to the barrier.  I was surrounded by guys that were dismounting, so I had to change my plan to hop the barriers and follow suit.  It's hard to remember exactly what happened in the rush, but somehow I bumped with a couple of other guys and something hit my right leg pretty hard.  Immediately, I felt a sharp pain in my calf muscle, but I pushed through it to remount and try to stay with the group.  I could feel the potential cramp, and I tried to pedal in a way which wouldn't exacerbate the problem. 

The pace wasn't superfast, but it was fast enough that it took a lot of work to gain positions over the next 5 or 6 laps.  I exchanged places with about 3 or 4 racers, attacking and being attacked.  I got a few clear shots at the barrier on the climb and screwed it up a couple of times.  I think I had moved into 5th or 6th on my next to the last lap when I hopped it withouot much momentum and in too hard of a gear to climb the remaining steepness easily.  I tried to mash to the top, but my calf spasmed painfully.  I fell to the ground and dragged myself off of the course as 2 or 3 racers passed me.  I lay there for about 30 seconds until the worst of it subsided and got back on the bike to finish the race.  The pain was not too bad while riding, but dismounting for the double barrier section was no fun.  I succesfully hopped the barrier on the climb on my last lap and didn't lose any more positions to come in 11th.

I didn't expect much from my legs after all of the travel Thursday-Saturday, but the bad start and other problems left me feeling disappointed with the result.

My calf tightened after the race ended, visibly bunched up and very painful.  I could only walk by pushing my right foot out in front of me in a weird shuffle, but I was able to drive with minimal problems.  As I write this, I am a bit worried about it.  I have it elevated and iced, and I'm trying to stay off my feet.  Hopefully this does not keep me from riding this week and racing next weekend.  We'll see.

Edit:  It's the next day and it is worse than I'd hoped.  Looks like a grade 2 calf muscle strain.  I'm walking on crutches, icing, and using compression.  Doesn't look good for the race next weekend.

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