The Call Up

Northern California Bicycle Racing Community

This was my first trip up to Cool for their long running (18 years) mountain bike race. Because the race happens in the northern California rainy season, all the reports were of marathon mud-fests. Race day was clear and sunny, unfortunately two days earlier the area had been drenched in a all day downpour. The course, as laid out this year, offered rolling terrain balanced with a few sharp climbs and descents. The technical element as promised was water; standing surface runoff, rivulets, creeks and bogs, from start to finish. All this water on the course rewarded astute line selection, most notably on the fast fire road sections.

For Cat 2 racers, starting position is determined by age group, my age group ( 50+) started from the absolute back end. Not ideal. I was back about five deep, when the flag dropped. So, I got to stand there, for what seemed like minutes, while all the “younger” riders drilled the start. Luckily there is a short steep climb after a couple hundred yards that allowed me to go by chunks of my fellow competitors. After that, I put my head down and set out to catch anybody in my forward view.

By the second (and last) lap, my targets were fewer with bigger gaps and harder to overtake. Because of the chaotic start, I had no idea of who was in front or behind me. About half way through, I caught a rider in the single track section. Subconsciously, it seems, I went into “conservation” mode in an effort to get myself and the bike to the end in one piece. My drive train was only marginally functional. As we rode along my compatriot began dropping back on the uphill sections. Then it dawned on me, I was SANDBAGGING. (Note to self: After you make the catch, make the pass.)

Now back on pace, I arrived at the last bog. Instead of taking the line that had worked on the previous lap, I decided to straight-line it through the largest pool between me and the other side. Hard to believe it could be that deep. After extracting the bike from the muck, I remounted for the last climb and finish. Luckily the surprise pit stop miraculously cleaned my drive train and I was able to get to the line without incident.

Final results: 1st in 50+ Cat 2 and I had managed to pass all but one of the combined Cat 2 competitors. Cool, as it turns out, is very…cool.

Thanks to Michele, Porter and Team Summit for time well spent.

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