The Call Up

Northern California Bicycle Racing Community

Well, conditions were pretty bad, but I have experienced worse in a few cyclocross races this past season. And I've come to realize that the most uncomfortable part is just getting out on the bike. Once the warmup process begins, it almost goes into automatic mode. However, for this race, I was all distracted in the minutes before the start, and rolled up to the line as 30 sec was called. Honestly, I think this was better than standing around for a couple minutes cooling down as the nerves build. So, the "gun" goes off, and of course Jim is off up the road with a few others while myself and 3 WTB riders settle into a good pace. I'm starting to feel pretty confident in the group until just before the whoops, Weir goes to the front and ups the pace, gapping me off the back as I struggle to find the right line/gear up the final whoop. And then I'm alone, cranking throught all that nice singletrack myself. Finally got in tune with the big hoops and stable platform of the 29er, and actually began to reel in riders. Was free and clear sitting in 4th place when the climbing began in earnest. Initally couldn't seem to get a good rhythm on the steep sections, and had to start pushing. At this point I hear somebody call out "Gabe, I'm hunting you down!" Uhhhg, Chris Brown rolls past me as I'm feeling clumsy and weak.... Finally started the flat traverse before the sharp left and final climb, but he was nowhere in sight. Rolled in the final miles looking over my shoulder, and managed to sew up the 5 spot. I figure that's pretty good karma for my new ride;-) And I'll need every bit of it this weekend at the Sea Otter!

My final thoughts on the NVDC... Amazing course! Great teammates!

See you at the races,

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