The Call Up

Northern California Bicycle Racing Community

Jim Hewett's Blog – September 2011 Archive (5)

CCCX #2, Ft. Ord

I spent a few days riding and working in Ashland, OR last week.  Very cool place and great trails.  I drove home in one 6+ hour push Friday evening and figured I should head down to Ft. Ord on Saturday to do my first real 'cross race of 2011.

After a couple more hours in the car on Saturday morning, I arrived just in time to register and warm up a little before the 35+ A's race started.  I lined up with a group of 20 or so and we proceded to race CX.  The course was pretty cool, with…


Added by Jim Hewett on September 29, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

DFL Crossdresser Race Series 2011 - CX Begins!

Since I missed the latter part of the XC racing season, I guess I should do some 'cross racing.  Part of the preparation is getting used to the pacing and relatively flat and fast nature of cyclocross courses.  The earliest chance for that is the San Francisco underground race series put on by DFL.  Vague details are distributed by word-of-mouth, usually a time and place.  Racers show up and many begin to don their "cross-dresser" attire, from a simple tutu over the kit to very elaborate and…


Added by Jim Hewett on September 28, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Mt. Tam Triple Crown, Running Stage

This morning I ventured to Mill Valley to start my third consecutive day of racing up Mt. Tam - this time on foot.

A group of about 100 people gathered for the Mt. Tam Hill Climb, a traditional labor day race from downtown Mill Valley to the door at the lookout on top of East Peak.  I've never actually done a running race but this was the third stage of the Triple Crown, so I thought I would give it a go.

We left at 8 o'clock and immediately hit a long flight of steps.  I got…


Added by Jim Hewett on September 5, 2011 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Mt. Tam Triple Crown, Mountain Stage

I felt pretty good as I rode over to Ross through Deer Park to start the mountain bike stage of the Mt. Tam Triple Crown.  I was excited that I was not too fatigued from Saturdays road effort and, of the three ways to climb Mt. Tam (road bike, mountain bike, on foot), climbing Eldridge Grade on a mountain bike is my preferred mode of ascent.

I have done about 6 good attempts at time trialing from the start of Eldridge (Phoenix Lake intersection, bottom of Fish Grade) up to the gate at…


Added by Jim Hewett on September 4, 2011 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Mt. Tam Triple Crown, Road Stage

I'm starting to feel more fit and thought the Mt. Tam Triple Crown would be some good fun and training.  I did the dirt section of this a couple of years ago, but this year I'm doing all 3 stages:  road bike, mountain bike, and run.

We met early in Mill Valley and I was happy to see a couple of familiar faces from mountain bike racing.  Mark Weir, Taylor Smith, and Den Satake were there, as well as many people I don't ride with much.  I'm not the fastest guy around on a road bike, but…


Added by Jim Hewett on September 3, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

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